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2.0.0 Upgrade Guide

This page shows an overview of the changes between the previous version and 2.0.0

Changes to configuration options

The options have been grouped in separate models.

    //Implementing Options for the View
var cameraOptions = MBCameraOptions(
targetResolution: .hd1280x720,
previewScaleType: .fit,
cameraPosition: .front

var options = MBCaptureSessionOptions(
autoCaptureEnabled: true,
numberOfFrameToCollect: 3,
timeBeforeAutomaticCapture: 4,
isDebugging: false,
payloadOptimization: false,
cameraQuality: cameraOptions
self.mbCaptureSessionView = MBCaptureSessionView(options: options)

// Implementing Options for the View Controller
var cameraOptions = MBCameraOptions(
targetResolution: .hd1280x720,
previewScaleType: .fit,
cameraPosition: .front

var options = MBCaptureSessionOptions(
autoCaptureEnabled: true,
numberOfFrameToCollect: 3,
timeBeforeAutomaticCapture: 4,
isDebugging: false,
payloadOptimization: false,
cameraQuality: cameraOptions

var cameraPermissions = MBCameraPermissionAlert(
title: "To continue the app need access for settings!",
message: "Go to Settings?",
settingText: "Settings",
cancelText: "Cancel"

var faceStatusTexts = MBFaceStatusTexts(
faceTooFarAway: "Face too far away",
faceTooFarUp: "Face too far up",
faceTooFarDown: "Face too far down",
faceTooFarLeft: "Face too far left",
faceTooFarRight: "Face too far right",
faceTooClose: "Face too close",
faceNotFound: "Face not found",
tooManyFaces: "Too many faces",
validFace: "Valid face"

var textLocalizations = MBTextLocalizations(
countdownLabelText: "Hold Still",
faceStatusTexts: faceStatusTexts,
cameraPermissionAlert: cameraPermissions

var style = MBUIOptions(
showProgressBar: false,
showFaceStatusLabel: false,
showCountdownTimerLabel: false,
presentedDismissButtonEnabled: false,
textLocalizations: textLocalizations
self.viewContoller = MBCaptureSessionViewController(with: options, style: style)

Changes to delegates for callbacks and events

The delegates have been divided into separate interfaces in order to facilitate more customization and expanding functionality.

//Implementing View

public protocol MBCaptureSessionDelegate {
Called when the capture session finishes successfully.
- Parameters:
- result: The result of the capture session that includes the captured data.
func onSuccess(result: MBCaptureSessionResult)

Called when the capture session encounters an error.
- Parameters:
- error: An enumeration representing the specific error that occurred.
func onFailure(error: MBCaptureSessionError)
Called when the capture session changes state.
- Parameters:
- stateEnum: An enumeration representing the current state of the capture session
func onStateChanged(captureState: MBCaptureState)

public protocol MBOnValidatingDelegate {
Called everytime a camera frame is processed during the validation stage of the capture process.
- Parameters:
- faceStatus: An object describing if the face is valid with regards to the constraints
set for the face capture process.
func onValidating(_ faceStatus: MBFaceStatus)

public protocol MBCountDownDelegate {
Called every second while the countdown is active
- Parameters:
- timeCounter: The current time remaining in seconds.
func onCountDown(timeCounter: Int)

public protocol MBCaptureProgressDelegate {
Called to provide updates on the progress of the capture process
- Parameters:
- captureProgressCounter: A float value indicating the current progress of the capture process. The value is in the range [0.0, 1.0]
func onCaptureProgress(captureProgressCounter: Float)

//Implementing ViewController
public protocol MBCaptureSessionVCDelegate {
Called when the capture session finishes successfully.
- Parameters:
- result: The result of the capture session that includes the captured data.
func onSuccess(result: MBCaptureSessionResult)
Called when the capture session encounters an error.
- Parameters:
- error: An enumeration representing the specific error that occurred.
func onFailure(error: MBCaptureSessionError)
Called when the capture session changes state.
- Parameters:
- stateEnum: An enumeration representing the current state of the capture session
func onStateChanged(stateEnum: MBCaptureState)
Called when the view controller is dismissed using the on screen dismiss button.
func onPresentedDismissTapped()

Example Implementation

// Implementing View
class ExampleViewController: MBCaptureSessionDelegate, MBOnValidatingDelegate, MBCountDownDelegate, MBCaptureProgressDelegate {
private let mbCaptureSessionView: MBCaptureSessionView

public init() {
var cameraOptions = MBCameraOptions(
targetResolution: .hd1280x720,
previewScaleType: .fit,
cameraPosition: .front

var options = MBCaptureSessionOptions(
autoCaptureEnabled: true,
numberOfFrameToCollect: 3,
timeBeforeAutomaticCapture: 4,
isDebugging: false,
payloadOptimization: false,
cameraQuality: cameraOptions
self.mbCaptureSessionView = MBCaptureSessionView(options: options)

func onSuccess(result: MBCaptureSessionResult) { }

func onFailure(error: MBCaptureSessionError) { }

func onStateChanged(captureState: MBCaptureState) { }

func onValidating(_ faceStatus: DetectedFaceStatus) { }

func onCountDown(timeCounter: Int) { }

func onCaptureProgress(captureProgressCounter: Float) { }

// Implementing View Controller
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController, MBCaptureSessionVCDelegate {
var viewContoller: MBCaptureSessionViewController

init() {
var cameraOptions = MBCameraOptions(
targetResolution: .hd1280x720,
previewScaleType: .fit,
cameraPosition: .front

var options = MBCaptureSessionOptions(
autoCaptureEnabled: true,
numberOfFrameToCollect: 3,
timeBeforeAutomaticCapture: 4,
isDebugging: false,
payloadOptimization: false,
cameraQuality: cameraOptions

var cameraPermissions = MBCameraPermissionAlert(
title: "To continue the app need access for settings!",
message: "Go to Settings?",
settingText: "Settings",
cancelText: "Cancel"

var faceStatusTexts = MBFaceStatusTexts(
faceTooFarAway: "Face too far away",
faceTooFarUp: "Face too far up",
faceTooFarDown: "Face too far down",
faceTooFarLeft: "Face too far left",
faceTooFarRight: "Face too far right",
faceTooClose: "Face too close",
faceNotFound: "Face not found",
tooManyFaces: "Too many faces",
validFace: "Valid face"

var textLocalizations = MBTextLocalizations(
countdownLabelText: "Hold Still",
faceStatusTexts: faceStatusTexts,
cameraPermissionAlert: cameraPermissions

var style = MBUIOptions(
showProgressBar: false,
showFaceStatusLabel: false,
showCountdownTimerLabel: false,
presentedDismissButtonEnabled: false,
textLocalizations: textLocalizations
self.viewContoller = MBCaptureSessionViewController(with: options, style: style)
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
self.viewContoller.delegate = self

override func viewDidLoad() { }

func onSuccess(result: MobaiBiometric.MBCaptureSessionResult) { }

func onFailure(error: MobaiBiometric.MBCaptureSessionError) { }

func onPresentedDismissTapped() { }

func onStateChanged(stateEnum: MobaiBiometric.MBCaptureState) { }